News — Neon

New RISK prints AND sculptures!

We told you, RISK has been busy! New sculptures and hand painted screen prints are now available on Freeway Editions. Please do read about RISK and check out his incredibly vibrant and detailed works.

RISK on the Box is part of an original set of hand-painted wood boxes with spray cans and affixed neon lights. Each piece was individually designed by the artist and has a hand-painted base with Risk's custom Rustoleum spray can, 'Risk-oleum, Risk Rock Red' on top. Each edition...

The Ever Evolving Life and Art of RISK

As one of the first Los Angelinos to paint freight trains and freeway overpasses, RISK has impacted the Los Angeles street art scene for over 30 years. His work focuses on stylized versions of his name in vibrant colors and bold lines. RISK’s career has lead him to many different types of artistic endeavors; various graffiti crews, graffiti tours, commissions, art shows, as well as product and clothing design.

Not only has RISK successfully made the transition from the streets to canvas, but he's also launched Third Rail, a clothing company for which he's won designer of...