"Colombia: Into the Wild" Limited Edition Giclée AP
Title: Colombia: Into the Wild
Edition: Artist Proof 5 of 6
Medium: Set of 5 limited edition giclée prints on 300g fine art cotton paper
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 12 x 18 in. each (30x46cm)
Colombia: Into the Wild is a high quality giclée print set by artist Gabriel Eisenband Gontovnik. This Artist Proof set comes with FIVE photograph matte giclée prints, each signed and numbered, with certificate of authenticity, unframed.
The Set of 5 includes :
"Caño Cristales Sunset"
"Selva virgen, Chiribiquete - Guaviare"
"Frailejones frente al pico el Castillo, Cocuy - Boyacá"
"Sabana inundada - Vichada"
"Palmas de cera en los boques de Toche - Tolima"
Note: This product when purchased comes with all five photograph prints as a set.