News — Public Arts

ART NEWS: POW! WOW! Long Beach


Happy July everyone! Freeway Editions is already making plans for the holiday weekend and we're sure you are too! If you happen to be in Long Beach, may we suggest you stopping by to visit some incredible murals?! Our favorite street art loving friends over at POW!WOW! have taken over the beach city and have quite the roster of artists creating public works throughout the community. All of the events took place last week but the art remains! So make sure...

ART NEWS: Local Must See Summer Exhibitions

We here at Freeway Editions are especially excited about this summer's exhibition line up. Here in the Los Angeles area there is no shortage of awesome summer events, art exhibitions, and projects. Here is a quick little round-up of stuff going on in the area. Check it out! 

This past weekend was the Summer Art Crawl in the Culver City Arts District. The event marked the opening of several great exhibitions in the area including the opening of Bumblebee's solo...

ART NEWS: Coney Island Art Walls

Freeway Editions has been following closely as Jeffery Deitch slowly unveils his latest street art project in NYC. The former MOCA director has found himself back in New York and supporting the street art scene once more. Coney Island Art Walls is a collaborative effort to bring together a large number of street artists from all over the world to paint walls throughout the amusement park community. This ongoing summer event does not have a proposed end date but is said to continue through September. From the Art Beat blog (NY Times)


ART NEWS: Bushwick Open Studios

Here at Freeway Editions we like to cover art fair events to give our readers a taste of the art for profit world but we also obviously celebrate the art sharing community. Art for art's sake! So much of urban contemporary art is made for this very purpose, to bring people together to enjoy a visual experience and this is what we love about open creative communities like Bushwick and their growing art festival. 

Last week marked the ninth annual Bushwick Open Studios event in the arts neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York....