News — Contemporary Art

ART NEWS: "Outsidein" a Mural Exihibition at Art Center


Photo credit: Birdman photography via @riskrock


This past week world renowned street artists, including some of Freeway Editions' very own, have been working on a series of mural projects at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. These artists have come together to create a community conversation around the accessibility and social impact of street art. 

Photo care of Art Center Blog.

From the press release:

“Street art has exploded as an anti-authoritarian form of art making and an important global movement...

ART NEWS: Freeway Editions' Artists in Bogotá!

This week Freeway Editions artists have all gathered in Bogotá Colombia to participate in a myriad of art fairs, live art events, and the opening group exhibition at Fabien Castanier Gallery's newest location. Barcú, Odeón, and ArtBo are all happening right now in Bogotá and with these fairs comes a frenzy of new works and exciting events to discuss.

At Barcú artist such as: Speedy Graphito, Tilt, Mark Jenkins, Chanoir, DJ Lu, and Ludo are all participating in a special exhibition curated by Fabien...

ART NEWS: Welcoming Fall

We have been talking about the seasonal change which brings new exciting stuff in the artworld. BUT as of this week, Fall is officially here! Although the weather does not reflect the season change here in Los Angeles, I am sure the crispness is coming in elsewhere. With that comes a whole slew of new art shows, events, and fairs! 

In Los Angeles Anthony Lister has a new show that's been open for a few weeks now at New Image. Make sure to check this one out! Such rad new stuff and some wall murals have...

NEW ARTWORK: CANTSTOPGOODBOY "Crooked Mouse" Now Available!

We are so excited to announce the release of CANTSTOPGOODBOY's new HPM series for Freeway Editions! This print series has been in the works for sometime now and we are so happy to final release these on our online store! The artist used a new technique to hand paint the intricate psychedelic backgrounds on these hand-painted screen prints. You don't want to miss out n these special limited editions, check them out now!

From his bio and previous blog post "...CANTSTOPGOODBOY is a self-taught Malibu based Contemporary Artist / Muralist. With a...

NEW ARTWORK: Mark Jenkins' New Sculpture Series Available Now!



Mark Jenkins just opened his newest solo exhibition, Still Life, here in Los Angeles. While here, the artist also created a limited edition series of tape sculptures for Freeway Editions! 

"In Still Life Jenkins presents an all-new body of work. The collection features an evocative series of site- specific installations, including three-dimensional canvases, incorporated taxidermy, and a human birdhouse. Akin to traditional notions of the “still life,” his sculptures capture moments that conjure their own realities, presenting tableaus that challenge one’s sense of what is real...