March 29th will mark the beginning of the third edition of UrbanArt Biennale, an art show hosted every two years at Völklingen Ironworks, a World Cultural Heritage Site located in Saarbrücken, Germany. This art show focuses on the evolution of street art, graffiti, and urban art throughout the world. These genres of art making have come to the forefront of contemporary art culture, slowly but surely making their way into the mainstream of the art world. The UrbanArt Biennale celebrates this aesthetic progression and the artists who have made it possible. Many of Freeway Edition’s favorite artists will be present at this year’s biennale (
Boris Tellegen, Mark Jenkins, Ludo, Speedy Graphito, Cyrcle, Jef Aérosol, Shepard Fairey, Thomas Canto, Invader, Rero), showing the art world how genre’s can coexist and transition from urban spaces to gallery walls.
For more information please see the official website.